Hazra Okem


Hazra is the CEO and Country Representative for Seniorer Uden Graeser, a Danish organization in Uganda, since 2021.

Hazra is a dynamic, dependable team player with sufficient years of professional experience in Project Management, Resource mobilization and Module training skills.

Hazra is meant to oversee the projects, offer technical support to locally funded organizations in Uganda, as well as conduct Monitoring, Evaluations and facilitate learning across various stakeholders.

Hazra has also worked with Nyaka AIDS Foundation as the Deputy Country Director.

Hazra’s background with Thai Leisure Group and ShowSec in Scotland and as a volunteer with the British Red Cross, made her fall in love with the outdoors, therefore, exploring the different districts in Uganda with Forum for Women in Democracy (FOWODE).

She’s passionate about improving the status of youth, women and girls and advocate for gender equality, social empowerment and development.

Hazra holds a Masters of science in Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance from the University of Aberdeen-King’s college – UK, a Bachelor’s degree of Science in Natural Resource Economics from Busitema University – Uganda, and different Certifications which have introduced her to the nonprofit sector and propelled her interest in conservation and advocacy within the outdoor community.

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