Become part of our story to
change the world
With $9 you can plant and
nurture 5 trees with us

Plant a tree today and make the world a better place. With your endowment, we are abled to support local communities and plant more trees.

Welcome to the Jungle

Treescape Planet is an environmental NGO dedicated to promoting sustainable land management with a mission to make all persons of the community champions of sustainable development with a focus on promoting afforestation, agroforestry and re-afforestation.

Our Belief

We believe trees are mother earth’s way of showering us with love, showing us beauty & teaching us how important it is to be self-sustainable.


Since its foundation in 2020, over 5,370+ trees have been planted in Uganda, and we are expanding. All trees are planted directly by schools and local farmers and bring environmental, social and economic benefits to their communities.

Treescape SDGs Impact

Treescape Planet Organization addresses these challenges by aligning its initiatives
with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Through its work, Treescape aims
to achieve multiple SDGs


Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

Women make up almost half of the smallholder agricultural workforce, but usually have much less access to resources like credit and quality inputs. According to FAO, if women smallholders received the same access to productive resources, agricultural yields could rise by 20-30%. When agricultural yields increase, there is less pressure for deforestation and clearing of additional agricultural land.

That’s why Treescape prioritizes working with female smallholder farmers through our work, with almost 60% of our partner farmers being female. Treescape works to improve female farmers’ access to training and quality inputs through our work, ensuring that they are at the center of our work.

Our project will ensure that the needs and disparities and the needs and priorities of men and women are given equal consideration. Gender analysis will be conducted to identify how gender norms, roles, and relations impact the project, and strategies will be developed to address any gender gaps that are identified.

SDG 13

Climate Action

Treescape’s efforts align with SDG 13, which addresses climate action. By reducing deforestation, restoring landscapes, and promoting sustainable practices, Treescape contributes to mitigating climate change and building resilience against its impacts.

The organization recognizes the urgency of addressing climate change and integrates climate considerations into its environmental conservation and restoration initiatives.

SDG 15

Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss

Forest cover in Uganda is disappearing at an alarming rate, driven mostly by the need for agricultural expansion and fuelwood. This forest cover also encompasses crucial habitats for endangered species. Treesacape works to halt this deforestation and rehabilitate degraded landscapes through our agroforestry programming, planting trees among crops and restoring biodiversity.

Treescape programs are designed to
contribute to environmental sustainability and climate resilience, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the conservation and restoration of natural resources.

SDG 17

Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development

Treescape has and is building meaningful relationships with government officials from the local level to national policymakers.

Treescape believes in partnering with a wide variety of institutions, including academic partners, private sector actors, and non-governmental organizations, to achieve the SDGs.

Why Choose Us

We are a transparent team and accountable of every donation that we receive

Community Support
Most of the trees planted, provide food for the local communities and some food is used as a source of income

Plant Trees for Life
Trees are essential to all life on earth. They give us oxygen, clear air, food, protection, coolness and water.

Dedicated Team
We are a decisive organization with a team of enthusiastic people who commit themselves everyday with heart and soul to a green and healthy earth

We have served our nature with love and we are happy

5,370 +
Trees Planted
23,550 +
Lives Impacted


Tree Species

What You Can Do

We believe trees are mother earth’s way of showering us with love, showing us beauty & teaching us how important it is to be self-sustainable.

Donate As Business

Do You Want To Contribute To A Green And Healthy Planet?

Your Business Can Plant Trees & Change Lives

As a Business, Support Us With A One-Time Or Periodic Donation For A Greener And Healthy World.

Donate As Individual

Do You Want To Contribute To A Green And Healthy Planet?

You Can Now Simply Plant A Tree By Donating To Treescape Planet, And Your Tree Is Planted And Monitored Until It Grows.

As An Individual, Support Us With A One-Time Or Periodic Donation For A Greener And Healthy World

Donate In Kind

Machinery & Tools




It starts with you!

Our trees are planted in agroforestry projects that promote virtuous interaction among different species and sustainable use of resources and land. All trees are good for the environment: they absorb CO2, emit oxygen, promote biodiversity, counteract soil erosion and much more.


Green Finance Award

“Green financing is the way to go. All of businesses produce a lot of carbon during their operations and these emissions are causing global warming which is causing climate change.

Best ESG Campaign Award

The event, themed “Celebrating ideas that work,” recognised outstanding performers in the marketing industry across 12 categories, including sustainability, communications, branding, advertising, digital, and public relations.

Deforestation in Uganda: causes and recommendations

The theme of this year’s Earth Day was “Invest in our planet”. This day was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness and advocate for change around the issues most impacting our planet and celebrate the beauty of Mother Earth

Addressing Global Warming: Pathways to Sustainable Solutions

As global warming continues to pose a grave threat to our planet, the urgent need for viable solutions becomes increasingly evident. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies and actions that can be undertaken to mitigate and adapt to the challenges of climate change. In this article, we explore some of the key solutions to global warming, emphasizing the importance of collective action and a transition to sustainable practices for a more secure and resilient future.

Global Warming: Unveiling the Unsettling Consequences

Global warming, a significant component of climate change, has emerged as a pressing issue that demands our immediate attention. The steady increase in Earth's average temperature due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is triggering a wide array of consequential impacts. In this article, we delve into the far-reaching consequences of global warming, emphasizing the urgency to address this existential threat with comprehensive and collective action.

Climate Change: A Global Crisis with Far-Reaching Impacts

Climate change is an unprecedented global crisis that has far-reaching implications for our planet and all its inhabitants. Over the past few decades, human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, have accelerated the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This has led to an alarming increase in global temperatures, altered weather patterns, rising sea levels, and widespread ecological disruption. In this article, we will explore the profound impact of climate change on various aspects of our lives and highlight the urgency for immediate action.

Our collaborators & advocates