
Compensating of our environment-residue emissions

Compensating of our environment-residue emissions

Waste Management
To minimise the generation of waste. All unavoidable waste to be reused, recycled or recovered with no waste sent for incineration or landfill.

Food and Drink
To reduce the impact of food and drink production, use and disposal by choosing local, seasonal, high welfare and organic produce; minimising waste and, where waste is unavoidable, segregating and disposing of waste in a positive- or low-impact way; and redistributing unused food and drink where possible.

Education and Awareness
Raise awareness about the environmental impact of sports events and the importance of sustainability among athletes, staff, sponsors, and spectators. Provide educational materials and resources to promote sustainable practices and encourage behaviour change.

Carbon Offsetting
Invest in carbon offset programs to neutralize the emissions produced by sports events. This will involve supporting our reforestation, afforestation and Agroforestry projects

Energy-Efficient Practices
Implement energy-efficient technologies and practices in sports facilities to reduce overall emissions. This could include using renewable energy sources, installing energy-efficient lighting, and including emissions from non-energy sources such as refrigeration.

Partnerships and Collaboration
Collaborate with environmental organizations, government agencies, and other stakeholders to develop and implement effective strategies for compensating for environmental residue emissions. This can help leverage resources and expertise to achieve greater impact.

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