Dr. Stefanie Geiselhardt, PhD


Stefanie is a trained biologist and entomologist, with a PhD from the University of Freiburg, Germany, in evolutionary biology and ecology. Throughout her academic career, she has gained expertise in chemical communication, biomechanics and biomimicry as well as a broad range of analytical methods and statistics.

As part of her research, she did extensive fieldwork, not only in Germany but also in South Africa, Namibia and Benin.

After leaving academia, she gained additional qualifications in environmental communication and worked as a freelance journalist and editor for several years. At present, she works in the public sector with a focus on political education and education for sustainable development.

Stefanie’s core areas of interest are climate justice and female representation and empowerment. She is a passionate networker, always curious about innovative ideas and nature-based solutions that strengthen people’s connection to nature around them.


Photo credit: @KOPF UND KRAGEN Fotografie